The girl with the dragon tatoo : BO du film de David Fincher



Naïve, 2012.


Après avoir composé la bande originale de "The Social Network" (long-métrage sur l'épopée Facebook-Mark Zuckerberg), qui lui a valu l'an dernier l'Oscar de la meilleure musique de film, Trent Reznor poursuit sa collaboration avec David Fincher. C'est en effet l'ex-leader des "Nine Inch Nails" qui a écrit, avec Atticus Ross, la musique de "Les hommes qui n'aimaient pas les femmes", le remake américain de "Millenium"... **source**.


  • 6.11

Immigrant song. - She reminds me of you. - People lie all the time. - Pinned and mounted. - Perihelion. - What if we could?. - With the flies. - Hidden in snow. - A thousand details. - One particular moment. - I can't take it anymore. - How brittle the bones. - Please take your hand away. - Cut into pieces. - The splinter. - An itch. - Hypomania. - Under the midnight sun. - Aphelion. - You're here. - The same as the others. - A pause for reflection. - While waiting. - The seconds drag. - Later into the night. - Parallel timeline with alternate outcome. - Another way of caring. - A viable construct. - Revealed in the thaw. - Millennia. - We could wait forever. - Oraculum. - Great bird of prey. - The heretics. - A pair of doves. - Infiltrator. - The sound of forgetting. - Of secrets. - Is your love strong enough?.

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